Cannabis Dispensary Report Cards - January 2021


Cannabis dispensaries in Utah exist to provide medical cannabis to patients. Every single customer to these dispensaries is a patient struggling with some ailment, seeking relief from pain, anxiety, seizures, or who is trying to improve sleep, appetite, or other health issue.

Dispensaries are limited by law, and for some patients they are difficult to frequent. Therefore, it is vital that employees are knowledgable about the products they sell, and helpful when a patient is seeking product information. When a patient must drive 30 minutes or more, only to find their needed medicine is out-of-stock, it is a waste of valuable resources, often resources that this patient can not afford.

In an attempt to provide relevant and up-to-date information to patients, the Utah Bee is producing report cards for each dispensary. The January 2021 report card asks customers four questions regarding their interactions with dispensary employees.

Above you will find the overall report card. If you click on these links, it will take you to a report card that breaks down the dispensary’s individual grade: Beehive FarmacyCuraleafDeseret Wellness,DragonflyPerfect Earth - Logan, Perfect Earth - Ogden, and Wholesome.

The customers were asked to reach out to each dispensary by phone, text, or a visit and then answer the following questions:

How knowledgable were the staff members about products?

How friendly were they?

Was the employee patient with your questions?

How responsive was the dispensary answering your questions?

All of these questions were developed with the patient in mind. Providing these services makes it easier for patients to access the medicines they need. Answers were given a 1 through 5 for each question. Note: Dragonfly dispensary has only one score, they could not be reached in any way attempted.

The Utah Bee also knows that these dispensaries are restricted by the medical cannabis law of the state. But good customer service is not restricted by the current law and has everything to do with how each dispensary interacts with the public. 

Watch the Utah Bee for more dispensary report cards. To see last month's report cards go here. We invite commentary on the Utah Bee’s FB page


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Beehive Farmacy