Welcome to the Hive



Utah strives to live life elevated. In an attempt to elevate political conversation and political participation, The Utah Bee was launched.

If you are new to our pages, or new to Utah politics, below is suggestion of articles that can help you get oriented.

Out of the gate you will want to read an overview of the Utah Legislature.

Then there's a quick review of how a bill becomes a law in two parts.Understanding a lobbyist role is next. Are you ready to wear a lobbyists hat?

Interacting with legislators can feel intimidating. Understanding how they are paid, might make them feel more human as you reach out prior to the session and during the session.

Budgeting is a big part of any session. Read an overview of the process here.

Learning about rules committeescommittee meetings, floor time, how to read the board and how YOUR VOICE can be heard will help you feel oriented when following bills that are important to you.

The Utah Bee has other topics and articles for review. To stay-in-the-know connect with us on all social media platforms--you know the drill: like us Facebook to ensure articles show up in your FB feed, follow us on Twitter and Instagram and sign up for our newsletter to recieve links in your inbox.

We want to be a resource for local politics in all forms. City and County conversations are coming. A look at all branches of government are also in the works. If you want to engage, comment on the topics we chose or feel free to submit a longer article for consideration by responding to an article we've posted or by opening a new topic.

Let's get the hive buzzing.


Volunteering: From Opinion to Action


The Role of Lobbyists in Utah Politics