Spotlight: Empower Playgrounds



Ghana may not sound like a great place to retire, but Ben Markham might disagree. He and his wife spent 18 months living there after he left his executive job in the U.S. During their time in rural villages, Ben noticed the limited, and sometimes nonexistent, electricity in homes and schools. It also pained him to see how few of Ghana’s happy children had playgrounds at their schools. Then, the pivotal question: What if children could light their homes and schools with their playtime?

This question spurred Ben to create Empower Playgrounds Incorporated (EPI), an organization based in Salt Lake City is dedicated to bringing light, hope, and help to the families of West Africa. Since 2007, EPI has installed 50 merry-go-rounds at Ghana schools. When used, this playground equipment generates renewable energy that charges lanterns. Children use these lanterns at school and to study at home. Over 3.5 million hours of light has been generated and used so far. In addition, the playtime on this equipment increases the children’s developmental opportunities. Due to the increased numbers at schools with these merry-go-rounds, additional schools have been built.

But, EPI offers much more than playground equipment. For instance, their Village Solar Project provides and installs solar panels in homes of Africans who live in remote villages. Not only does this offer more people access to electricity in their homes, it also helps draw teachers to these areas. This project is currently helping 45 families in need.

Sanitation is another cause that EPI champions with unique projects. Their boreholes—wells that pump safe water from deep in the ground—bring water closer to the homes of 4,000 people. In addition, EPI’s BioFil toilet sets serve 2,000 people by providing sanitary washrooms. The combination of clean water and sanitary bathroom conditions drastically reduces the chances of diarrhoreal diseases in these areas. EPI’s sanitation efforts particularly help girls, who are often kept home from school to help collect water or wait out their menstrual periods.

EPI’s commitment to education goes even further. EPI delivers hundreds of science kits to schools in order to help children get excited about a subject that will help move their communities forward. In addition, EPI, in partnership with the Roberts Family Foundation, provides three girls with high school scholarships and mentors each year.

Few organizations offer so many laudable causes, and so many opportunities to help. EPI needs and welcomes volunteers who can write blog posts, edit marketing materials, analyze financial data, or help with social media efforts. Volunteers with other skills are encouraged to teach their skill to and offer class fees to EPI. Monetary donations are always appreciated.

Volunteers even have the opportunity to see EPI’s beneficiaries in person by traveling with EPI to Ghana! There, volunteers can assist with installing merry-go-rounds, introducing science kits, and more. These trips typically cost $5,000 per person and include air fare, accommodations, and a small donation to EPI.

Ready to step in and help? Visit to help or learn more.


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