10 Ways to Participate in this Year’s Legislative Session



Active and informed citizens improve America and Utah, the more voices involved, the greater the legislative results. With only a few weeks until the start of Utah’s 2019 legislative session, now is the time to prepare to be involved. Did you make any political goals with the new year? Here are a few ideas that can put you in the thick of civic conversations and political participation.

  1. Narrow down subjects that are important to you. Limit yourself to 1-3 subjects so as not to spread yourself too thin.

  2. Identify your legislators. Reach out to each representative elected to serve you in the legislature, through email, a phone call, text or a face-to-face meeting prior to the legislative session. Introduce yourself and identify the subjects that are important to you and/or subjects in which you have an expertise. Ask her the preferred way to connect with her during the session.

  3. Look up bills that relate to your passions. Identify the bills, note the sponsors, and watch them make their way through the process.

  4. Send information to your legislators, letting them know that you support or do not support the bill(s) in question.

  5. If you can get to the Capitol during the session, do it. There is magic, excitement and energy in the air.

  6. Sit in on committee meetings.

  7. Speak at a committee hearing when they ask for public comment.

  8. Watch floor time in person, if you can get to the Capitol or online if you want to stay connected to the Capitol without physically being there everyday.

  9. Identify advocacy groups that are passionate about the subjects you care about. Call, email or visit the groups and learn about their plans for the session. Offer to help them.

  10. Remember the legislative process is slow and messy. Celebrate any political victories, contemplate any political defeats, trying to determine what can be improved in subsequent sessions and be ready to get your hands dirty again next year.

Being involved in law making is powerful. Taking the time to learn how to be effectively involved makes you a great lobbyist and can make you an important asset to any future political projects. Maybe your voice will be the one to make a difference on Capitol Hill.


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