All You Need to Know About Ketamine

Ketamine is a versatile substance with an interesting past and several therapeutic uses. Ketamine is currently legal if administered by a doctor. It is more than a band-aid to a variety of mental health issues. It only takes about 40-minutes of intravenous ketamine for effects to take place. Most providers create unique treatment plans including therapy, nutrition, sleep and exercise.

Want to learn more about Ketamine? This is a great place to start:

How does Ketamine work?

What does Ketamine feel like?

What should you expect from a Ketamine treatment?

Is Ketamine addictive?

Who should try Ketamine?

Is Ketamine safe?

Can Ketamine help with PTSD?

Five questions you should ask your Ketamine provider.

What a patient has to say, and others.

What does Ketamine help with?

Deciding if Ketamine therapy is right for you is a personal decision that one must make with trusted friends, family and a medical provider. Ketamine is proving to be a great therapy for many struggling with mental health issues brought on by trauma. Is it right for you? That is your decision to make. Hopefully these articles help you make an informed and safe choice.



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