Entering The Psychedelic Space Without Medicine: Meditation


Once you’ve entered the psychedelic space and learned the healing and connection that can take place it can feel exciting to go back. While plant medicines are wonderful tools, it doesn’t always take the use of them to get into that familiar headspace. 

This series of articles from The Utah Bee will focus on alternative ways to tap into your inner knowing. In this article, the focus will be Reiki. 

Reiki is a Japanese form of energy healing. Practitioners use a technique called palm-healing to guide energies through your body, following similar principles of the Chi, or universal life-force. This form of healing is gentle and non-invasive. It doesn’t require you to ingest or receive any type of medications. 

It is said this form of medicine can reduce stress, promote relaxation and ease anxiety all through gentle touch. Reiki was invented by Mikao Usui in the early 1900s.


Anecdotally, patients of Reiki say it reduces symptoms by improving their mental state. Practitioners aim to bring and move energy through the body in hopes of reaching a meditative state which aids in getting your mind into the familiar feelings of the psychedelic space. 

Reiki practitioners say the healing treatment can help a whole list of ailments, like: 

  • Tissue and bone healing

  • Immune system stimulation

  • Pain relief

  • Ease of mental distress 

They also say it is best used in conjunction or to compliment more traditional treatments. A session of Reiki typically lasts about 50 minutes to an hour. Patients are fully clothed during the treatment while the practitioners gently place their hands on the patient and allow the energy  to guide them between about 15 different hand positions. 

Patients say Reiki can feel like tingling or heat in the body and very relaxing and zen in the mind. 

“A treatment feels like a wonderful glowing radiance that flows through and around you. Reiki treats the whole person including body, emotions, mind and spirit creating many beneficial effects that include relaxation and feelings of peace, security and wellbeing. Many have reported miraculous results,” reads an excerpt from Reiki.org.

While almost all insurance will not cover this treatment there are plenty of practitioners in the Salt Lake Valley at various price points, here’s where you can get started finding a practitioner that is right for you. 

If you’re interested in our other articles of methods to enter the psychedelic without plant medicines check them out below. 



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