Entering The Psychedelic Space Without Medicine: Rapé


Here at the Utah Bee we have been exploring ways to enter the psychedelic headspace without using psychoactive medicines like mushrooms, MDMA and others. This time, we are discussing Rapé.

Rapé, sometimes called shamanic snuff, is a form of tobacco that is blown into the nose. You do not smoke it. This traditional plant is used in South American indigenous cultures at various ceremonies and celebrations. In many indigenous cultures tobacco is considered a sacred plant, so if you are purchasing it for your own use, please find a reputable indigenous source.

It contains Nicotiana Rustica, a type of tobacco also known as mapacho. It’s different from the tobacco used in cigarettes, which is Nicotiana Tabacum.

So, what does Rapé do? It is said that it can help focus or sharpen the mind (perfect for intention setting). It is also said to clear distractions and negative energies, this is why it is often used in conjunction with ayahuasca ceremonies, but it does not have to be used with a psychedelic. Rapé used on its own is not considered a psychedelic substance.

It makes people feel grounded and calm and can also clear the sinus cavity. Rapé increases dopamine, acetylcholine and epinephrine causing people to feel a bit of a jolt followed by being very alert yet calm.

Ceremonial Rapé is mostly tobacco but also includes other Amazonian plants and ashes of things like cinnamon min and other things to make it alkaline.

Typically when partaking in Rapé someone blows it in your news using a new way pipe. Although, there are ways to do it by yourself.

It is important to know that it is considered a cleansing spiritual medicine so it can cause vomiting, nausea and diarrhea, but similar to things like ayahuasca, the purge is considered by many an integral part of the experience. The purge helps you cleanse in order to feel grounded and calm.

Rapé or Shamanic Snuff is completely legal in the United States, but as mentioned above, please make sure you are getting it from a reliable and indigenous source to make sure it is high quality and safe to use. It is also best to find someone who is experienced in administering the sacred substance.

Check out other articles on entering psychedelic space from The Utah Bee.


Psychedelic Amphibians


Dear Lucy: Preventing Abuse in Psychedelic Spaces, part 2