Hallucinogens 101: Salvia


Recently, I stumbled across an article about Salvia and it brought back a flood of memories from when I was younger. I often heard people talking about salvia as a harrowing experience and I knew it was fairly simple to obtain at local smoke shops, and then it occurred to me that I don’t actually know what it is. 

So, let’s learn together. 

What Is Salvia? 

Salvia is an herb in the mint family that is often used for the hallucinogenic effects. The scientific name is Salvia divinorum.

The herb is native to Mexico, Central and South America. It was traditionally used in ceremonies by the Mazatec Indians

“They refer to the leaf as “Herb of Mary, the Shepherdess.” They believe the plant to be an incarnation of the Virgin Mary. People have reported visions of a woman or sacred objects during hallucinations,” reads an explainer from Medical News Today.

Salvia is legal in some states, because it is not federally regulated. It is not legalized medicinally anywhere. 


 It typically comes in the form of an extract, but you can also just buy the dried herb and smoke or vaporize it similar to cannabis. Though people say extracts are more potent in producing the hallucinogenic effects 

What Are The Effects Of Salvia?

Effects of Salvia include intense auditory and visual hallucinations, dizziness, delusions and more. It is important to understand what you are getting into before trying it. Out of body experiences and intense laughter are also reported by those who have tried the hallucinogen.

The “lego person” phenomenon is often reported when using high doses of salvia. And that is exactly what it sounds like people see themselves as inhuman, animated or like the popular children’s toy Legos. 

Typically it is reported that the effects of Salvia come on quickly and dissipate within an hour, sometimes lasting five to ten minutes. Though there are accounts of effects lasting up to four hours. 

Salvia is not widely studied, so long term side effects are still very unknown. 

At the end of the day, it is up to you to decide if you would like to try Salvia. We hope this information helps in that decision, as there is not as much information on Salvia as there is other hallucinogens. 

If you’d like to learn more about other hallucinogens check out our Hallucinogens 101 series.


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Cannabis Research Review Board Meeting – October