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Madonna has always been that controversial force that showed at least two generations everywhere that in a world of sexual objectification, one need not settle into nor accept subservient roles. Women -- sexually charged and empowered women existed and not only did/do we exist, but we actively sought/seek and received/receive pleasure. Beyond self-pleasure. Directed, indulgent pleasure with or without partner(s’) pleasure reciprocation.

One of the most sexually gratifying experiences is oral sex. Anyone with a penis will tell you that there’s nothing like a good blow-job -- why in the world would anyone think that women or anyone with a vulva and vagina would feel any differently about their own genitalia? 

The clitoris is the most sexually sensitive area of the female genitalia, as it is made up of much of the same nerve endings as the male penis. In-utero, the child normally develops either a clearly distinctual penis or clitoris by week nine. Nothing sends a woman to ecstasy quite like the eight muscles of the human tongue exercising her lady bits in figure eights that haven’t been seen since the Scott Hamilton days of the Icecapades. With no known function other than pure arousal and pleasure, the clitoris can be a woman’s best friend -- and her sex partner’s. And should be.

Except, Utah.

Considered an abhorrent practice in most sects of Abrahamic religions, the dominant worldview of the Western world, it is no surprise that growing up in such a sexually repressed culture has kept pleasure at bay for many women. Per many a book club or yoga zoom conversation, a stunning amount of (Utah) men simply do not perform oral sex on their female partners, although considering the high percentage of Latter-Day Saints and other conservative Christian faith practioners, it should not come as a surprise. 

A woman’s body is a magnificent, magical creation. Unfortunately, humanity has gone from pre-Vedic worship of women and their yonis/birth canals as creatrices/portals of life to mere misogynistic possession, generations of societies and cultures treating women as property to do with as they wish. America’s Puritanical roots have led to a sexually-repressed culture that continues to demand everything of women: be sex kittens ready to please their partners, be dominatrices in fantasy only, or godly wives who may or may not be able to blend those worlds, regardless of her own sexual gratification, because otherwise, one is deemed unworthy. But the lens is always from the partner’s pleasure perspective, with no accounting for hers.

And while no one’s suggesting everyone take after Adam Driver’s recent admission of singing during oral simulation with Marion Cotillard during the filming of their latest film, Annette, there are plenty of help docs available for the head hesitant. It might not be Valter’**s, but it’s highly recommended to dine at the Y now and again. They’ll be pleasantly well-comed in your lap of luxury in no time. 


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