How Medical Cannabis Reduces Symptoms of Epilepsy


Epilepsy is a central nervous system disorder where brain activity becomes abnormal, provoking seizures, unusual behavior, loss of awareness or confusion, staring spells, stiff muscles and/or uncontrollable jerking. Some individuals struggle with seizures their entire lives, and some individuals may outgrow epilepsy. Causes of epilepsy can be due to genetics, head trauma, brain tumors, viral infections, and developmental disorders. Additional risks to epilepsy are stroke, dementia, depression, accidents, pregnancy complications, and even unexpected death. 

Common Treatments for Epilepsy

Medication is the most common form of treatment for epilepsy. Other common treatments may include surgery, neurostimulation devices, dietary therapy, supplements, and mind and body practices, such as chiropractic care, meditation, yoga and massage therapy. Integrating these complementary health approaches with traditional interventions can be a valuable addition to a patient’s care. 

Treating Epilepsy with Cannabis

Seizures are a burst of electrical impulses in the brain, but medical professionals don’t know exactly what causes these impulses. Medical marijuana is approved to treat epilepsy and seizures in Utah. So how does medical marijuana help in reducing symptoms of epilepsy? 

  • Cannabis is a neuroprotectant, meaning its chemical properties reduce oxidative stressors on the brain

  • Cannabis reduces neuronal excitability, which decreases the likelihood of electrical impulses in the brain that cause seizures

There is an abundance of scientific evidence that medical marijuana can help some patients with seizures. A literature review published by The National Library of Medicine informs that cannabis and CBD significantly reduced seizures in epileptic patients during clinical trials. It's interesting to note that the same study also suggests that about one-third of patients are resistant to anti-epileptic medications.

Of note, effectively reducing the frequency of seizures with the sativa cannabis strain is actually an ancient practice. In fact, cannabis has long been an Ayurvedic medicine.



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