IG Helping SLC Bar Patrons

Written by: ALEX IRVIN

There’s a new Instagram account in town and it is providing an indispensable service to bar patrons in SLC that goes beyond simply sharing aesthetically pleasing bar snapshots. With a mission to show love to the city's vibrant bar scene, this social media platform is empowering locals and tourists alike by offering whimsical information and insights about the city's finest watering holes.

Founded with the New Year’s goal in mind to “have at least one drink at every bar in Salt Lake County” @everybarslc has quickly gained popularity among the community for its dedication to expressing love for the unique bar scene across the county. Ali Vallart, the account owner, painstakingly visits each establishment to offer genuine experiences, giving followers a candid look into what they can expect from a particular bar. And as we head into August Ali finds herself exactly just where she should be– just over the halfway mark in visiting bars across the county.

One of the most significant advantages of the @everybarslc account is its accessibility to a wide audience. Quickly gaining over 700 followers and counting, the platform reaches a diverse demographic, from seasoned bar-hoppers to those new to Salt Lake City's nightlife. By providing transparent and honest reviews, the account fosters a sense of trust and camaraderie between patrons and the establishments.

The account's focus on highlighting the unique features of each bar also serves as a catalyst for promoting local businesses. With the influx of tourists and residents eager to explore Salt Lake City's nightlife, accounts like @everybarslc could play a crucial role in boosting foot traffic to lesser-known establishments, enriching the city's cultural landscape.

Additionally, the account occasionally updates its stories and posts with announcements of special events, happy hours, and promotions, ensuring that followers are always in the know about the latest happenings in the city's bars. This timely information allows patrons to plan their evenings strategically, optimizing their experience and enjoyment.

The @everybarslc Instagram account has emerged as a fun and indispensable guide for bar patrons in Salt Lake City. Through its genuine pics, interactive engagement, and promotion of responsible drinking, it not only enriches the bar experience but also contributes to the overall well-being of the community. Whether you're a seasoned bar enthusiast or a newcomer to Salt Lake City's nightlife, following @everybarslc will undoubtedly enhance your bar-hopping adventures.


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