Living Authentically


If the rainbow logo marketing this month didn’t indicate June being LGBTQ Pride month, then the varied hued flags flying all around Utah certainly does. Public conversations regarding the sexuality spectrum certainly have certainly come a long way, but how open are they in our day to day, person to person lives?

This morning a relative texted me that they wanted to share their news that they were in the midst of transitioning, before also informing me of disownment amongst closer members of their family. When one has been living an inauthentic life and finds themselves ready to be honest with themselves and others, the fear of the very real possibility that acceptance won’t be granted can leave people miserable and mentally unwell. While we can’t decide for or force another to react to our news in our preferential way, we can offer grace and kindness when someone is in need.

But what if that confessional is from your significant other? What do you do when your lover comes to you with a new piece of information that may change the nature of what you perceived for your relationship? While there is no one-size-fits-all answer, we have curated a few choice suggestions for how one responds in such a situation.

Helping the Straight Spouse When Partner Comes out LGBTQ

Straight Boyfriend Comes out Bi

Coming Out During a Pandemic


What is Considered Rape?


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