Medical Cannabis Policy Advisory Board Formed in Utah

Written by: ERIN WEIST

During the Utah 2023 legislative session, House Bill 72 was passed, which moved oversight and regulation of medical cannabis pharmacies and couriers from the Utah Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) to the Utah Department of Agriculture and Food (UDAF). Part of this bill included the creation of a 9-member team called the Medical Cannabis Policy Advisory Board that will assist in policy change recommendations to the UDAF and state lawmakers. This advisory board was announced earlier in June and consists of a medical provider, medical researcher, patient advocate, medical cannabis card holder, representatives of the cannabis industry, law enforcement, and a member of the public.

Over the next 6 months the transition from oversight by DHHS to UDAF will take place, with these 9 advisors assisting and receiving recommendations from the Cannabis Research Review Board. These various teams focus on maintaining the health of Utah citizens and recommending restrictions on substances that may be harmful to human health.

These boards have been crucial in recognizing the utility of previously illegal substances and improving public opinion on those same substances. Qualified medical providers are an essential voice in educating both the public and lawmakers about data-driven recommendations rather than fear-based ones. Research, data, and review will move the needle forward in a way that was not possible in the past. Decades of bias will only be overcome through patience, education, and clear advisement with the ultimate goal of safety of Utah citizens.

In addition, members of the public being willing to speak up about their personal experiences tends to ease fears and prejudices from family members, friends, neighbors, and community, and direct public policy in more positive, healthy ways. As more researchers, medical professionals, and citizens come together we can create best-practice policies that are better for all patients seeking health and healing through plant medicine.

Other medical cannabis legislation from the 2023 legislative session:



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