Moving into the Psychedelic Space

In Alice in Wonderland, Alice asks the caterpillar, “Which road do I take?” and the caterpillar logically asks, “Where do you want to go?” Because Alice doesn’t know, his reply is simple: “Then it doesn’t matter.” 

For those feeling curious about psilocybin, you don’t need to know your final destination, but you may want to identify what is making you curious, so you know which direction might satisfy that curiosity. If you feel like Alice and are unsure where to start, let us help:

Are you wondering about the basics?

Curious about micro-dosing?

Interested what the media has to say?

Ready to debunk common myths about magic mushrooms?

Needing to heal?

Want to look into the overall benefits of mushrooms?

Seeking out others in the space?


Everyday more people get on this road wanting to know more about this magical substance, as they look to heal, to connect and to dream. And everyday this community grows.

Unlike Alice, if it matters to you where you are going in this space, the work you put in early to clarify your goals, vision, and curiosities will pay off in spades.


Healing with Plant Medicine


Cocktails and Cannabis