Sexuality Later in Life

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We all have our preconceptions and one that is fairly pervasive amongst all demographics is generally not associating seniors and sexuality, but for many folks the opportunity, ability, or understanding of how to develop appreciation for our sexuality ever existed until fairly recently. Identifying and dismantling “slut-shaming” is not a concept people of any generations are familiar with, but necessary to end rape-culture. Questioning what or how to explore one’s own sexuality is much easier today than it was for previous generations and while our overall culture is still steeped in sexual shame, one is never too old for self-acceptance.

With the ability to learn about other social and cultural practices, share knowledge and resources, our overall understanding of human sexuality will deepen and broaden. The American Psychological Association’s Aging and Human Sexuality has a wealth of information in multiple formats and the U.S. Department of Health’s National Institute on Aging its resource guide on Sexuality Later in Life.


Final Impressions


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