Beware - Celebrity Weed Brands Are Coming


With the continued and exponential growth of the weed industry and as more and more states legalize medical and adult-use cannabis, it is only a matter of time before celebrities want their share of the profit. 

Look at all of the celebrity alcohol brands we have seen lately - Kendall Jenner, George Clooney and Dwayne The Rock Johnson have all launched popular tequila brands over the past five years and it seems like almost every big celebrity has some type of product, whether it is cosmetics, clothing or booze, that they are pushing. 

But, here’s the thing about these celebrity brands - they are guaranteed to sell so much more product than most of their competitors simply because of the person in front of the brand. Most of these people already have large followings of potential customers so the quality of the product is not always the most important thing. 

And, when it comes to cannabis you plan to put into your body - quality should be the most important factor in your purchase. 

Another thing to remember when purchasing from a celebrity-backed brand is that you are likely paying a premium just for the name. 

This is not to say all celebrity cannabis brands are of poor quality or just plain bad - many of them likely are as good as their competitors but it is put on you, the consumer, to determine which brands are worth your money. 

Examples Of Celebrity Weed Brands

A few celebrities who own or back cannabis brands should come as no surprise. Snoop Dogg owns Leafs By Snoop featuring flower, concentrates and edibles, like handmade, fair-trade chocolate bars. Snoop Dogg was one of the first celebrities to launch a cannabis brand.


Seth Rogan, a comedic actor known for his roles in ‘Knocked Up’ and ‘This Is The End’, has a design-focused cannabis brand called Houseplant that features actual cannabis products but they are focused on making artfully designed accessories like standing ashtrays and rolling trays. 

Related Article: Cannabis in the Media Pt. 1: Movies

Other celebs who hit the cannabis market early include Whoopi Goldberg, Jay-Z and Wiz Khalifa. 

Many trend forecasters predict that the ultra-famous Kardashian family will enter the cannabis space in the next year. They have dropped hints and recently been very open about using cannabis on their new show. There is even an episode focused on going to a dispensary. 

You can guarantee that if the Kardashians enter the cannabis space they will almost instantly have a best-selling product, but before you fall for the marketing make sure to check the quality of the products you are purchasing. 

Moral of the story when it comes to celebrity brands - you don’t need to avoid them entirely but you do need to do your research and choose a quality product over a brand name being marketed by a famous person.



Cannabis in the Media Pt. 3: Music


Cannabis in the Media Pt. 2: Television