A Love Letter To Psychedelics


As we wrap up this month of love, I have been thinking a lot about how big love feels inside of me and how my capacity to love just keeps growing as I get older and right now it seems like that growth could be infinite. 

This overwhelming feeling of love was first presented to me during a psychedelic trip and now I can access that expansive love at all times. For this, I am forever grateful for my own personal psychedelic experiences.  

Along with that expansive love, trips also taught me that not every little problem or stressor in the world deserves your attention, at the end of the day, the world is large and sometimes it’s better to let things go.

This is my love letter to psychedelics.


Thank you for opening the door to infinite and expansive love. I am grateful this door can never be closed. 

I am so grateful you taught me a lesson in forgiveness and showed me that everyone is just doing the best they can with what they have, especially parents. 

Thank you for showing me that body image problems are so small compared to the vast beauty we experience every day. 

Thank you for the endless giggles shared with my best friends. 

Thank you for allowing music to move me in ways I never thought possible.

Although it was hard, I appreciate you showing me that I can, in fact, tolerate being uncomfortable. 

Thank you for bringing my partner and I closer together every time we embark on a journey.  

I appreciate you showing me that the world is big and a lot of my problems are small. And if they aren’t small, at least I know I am not alone in them.

My friendships will never be the same now that I realized human relationships are the number one thing that can bring us happiness and relationships (no matter what type) are worth the investment and vulnerability.

Most of all, I appreciate that all of these things were already inside of me and you helped me access them and carry them into everyday life. 



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