Using Psychedelics to Rule the World


Humans have used psychedelics for a long, long time. In the high Andes, archeologists recently discovered the use of psychedelic beer. 

Before the Incas, the Wari ruled the Andes of Peru from 600 to 1000 AD. Archeologists believe part of the Wari’s success is owed to psychedelic beer.

As reported in Antiquity, archeologists have determined that the Wari used seeds from the vilca tree to make a psychedelic substance that they, then, combined with a chicha beer made from the molle tree. Rather than restricting the powerful combination to a chosen few, as had previously been the tradition in the area, the Wari served the psychedelic beer at communal feasts. Archeologists believe this was a way to reinforce relationships that led to cohesive political control.

The Wari ruled the Andes during a period called the Middle Horizon. It was proceeded by the Formative Period (900-300 BC), during which use of psychedelics was limited to priestly ceremonies in temples for personal journeys into the spirit world. And, the Wari’s Middle Horizon was followed by the Inca Empire of the Late Horizon, during which copious amounts of chicha beer was consumed throughout the empire.

During the Middle Horizon, the Wari continued the previous tradition of using the legume seeds of the vilca tree to make a psychedelic snuff containing N,N-DMT and bufotenine. This mode of uptake led to intense individualized experiences. To promote community and connection, the Wari also combined the vilca psychedelic with chica beer. This method of uptake, amplified the psychedelic effects of the vilca seeds and was perfectly suited for mass consumption in a collective experience.

The archeological site studied is far from the area where vilca trees grow, suggesting that the Wari placed considerable effort and importance in moving the seeds throughout the empire. The researchers concluded, “The vilca-infused brew brought people together in a shared psychotropic experience, while ensuring the privileged position of Wari leaders within the social hierarchy as the providers of the hallucinogen.”



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