Safe UT App



According to the Utah Department of Health, an average of 4,543 Utahns attempt suicide every year and around 550 die by suicide. These are staggering and saddening statistics. They leave one to wonder: What has Utah done to prevent suicide in the last few years, to save countless lives, and improve the lives of its citizens?

One resource that has recently become available is the Safe UT app, developed by the University Neuropsychiatric Institute (UNI) at the University of Utah. According to the Safe UT website, the app was developed with funding from the Utah State Legislature and utilized expertise from a variety of groups including the Attorney General, the Utah State Board of Education, and the Utah Anti-Bullying Coalition.

Safe UT’s app provides 24/7 crisis assistance and tip-lines for youth struggling with suicidal thoughts and people close to them. This confidential tip-line allows for photo and video chats to help assist people in real-time. Through texting, chats, and confidential tips, licensed clinicians in the 24-hour call center provide youth around the state with immediate suicide prevention, crisis counseling, and referrals for future care.“

We can help anyone with emotional crises, bullying, relationship problems, mental health, or suicide related issues,” says Safe UT’s site. But why an app? Their website says that UNI went digital to connect with youth, among other reasons. According to the website, “People often feel more comfortable talking to someone they don't know during a stressful time.” Further, “talking to someone who isn’t directly involved allows people to discuss feelings and concerns in a way that might be different from talking with friends and family members.”

UNI is committed to keeping information private. The only time identities are released is if a patient is believed to be in immediate danger. In these instances, emergency responders are dispatched to the individual’s location. Above all, Safe UT and UNI are dedicated to keeping teens (and others) safe from addiction, mental illness, and bullying. In the sites’ own words, “Our goal is to help you move from a place of crisis or distress to a calmer, safer place. We then help you create a plan to stay safe and get connected with resources that can help you solve the problems you’re facing.”

When one turns to Safe UT, they can expect supportive listening, nonjudgmental spaces, problem solving, personal plans, and referrals to additional assistance in the community. The app is free and entirely confidential, with password protection for personal users. Safe UT is available on iPhone and Android. Download today and potentially save a life.


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