Utah Women’s Recession Deepens



The first female recession continues throughout the nation and Utah is far from immune. Women are suffering economically due to the on-going pandemic crisis in greater numbers than men. 

Women and minority owned small businesses have seen economic relief from the government in the form of Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security, aka CARES Act, funding disbursed to big corporations -- companies who had resources to know how, when, and where to receive CARES Act monies as soon as the grants were available. Small businesses had to navigate the system for themselves, while also keeping their businesses, employees, and selves afloat. 

Since the nation (and let’s be honest, the entire world) all but shut down in March earlier this year, women have been hit hardest in the workforce, with Hispanic / Latina women suffering the greatest economic losses. 

When women suffer, our children suffer. Our families suffer. Our communities suffer. 


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Huge Win on the International Front