Safety in Psychedelics

Fear keeps some people from trying psychedelics. This instinct is understandable. Hallucinogens move a person to a vulnerable space. If a person is seeking to heal from past traumas, adding psychedelic trauma obviously would be bad. So, let’s talk about avoiding that. Whether you are new to psychedelics or feel experienced in the space, there are some things you can do to mitigate dangers.

We’ve gathered some ideas to keep in mind:

Was it a bad trip or do you need to look at it a different way?

The three pillars of a safe trip.

Ten things to consider to avoid a bad trip.

The importance of avoiding other people’s dogma while tripping.

Reasons to step on the brakes before taking hallucinogens.

Watching out for red flags in the space.

Seeking healing is an important reason to explore psychedelics. But if a person finds themselves being hurt in the space, little is gained. So, take the time to understand the risks. Always trip with people you trust. And remember to keep your eyes open to keep yourself safe and protected.


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