How to Save Costs on a Bar at Your Next Party


When you are hosting a party, a bar tab can be a heavy cost. Here are some simple things to consider that may help save your pennies.

Limit Choices

By editing the selection of beverages offered, costs can be cut. Stick to one or two kinds of beer, a red and white wine option. If you can, add a specialty cocktail that is on theme. This prevents having to stock all the stemware, mixers, garnishes and varieties of spirits. By limiting options, you are limiting overall costs.

You Do the Shopping

If your party is large enough to want a bartender, talk to your vendor in advance and let them know you will be providing the alcohol. Often they will talk through how much of everything you will need. Take your time at the liquor store to find what is on sale and get advice on what your best choices might be. Or, if you have the time and live on the Wasatch Front, take a quick trip across the border and stock up at a discount liquor store like Lee’s Discount Liquor in Wendover. Of course your location in the state might send you to Colorado, Idaho, or Arizona instead.   

Pot Luck

When extending invitations to a party, guests will often ask what they can bring. When appropriate, answer with, “Bring a bottle of something you like.” This will cut overall costs for the bar and will ensure that each person attending has something at the party they like to drink.


If your party is celebratory in nature, a toast is often on the books. Challenge the traditions that all toasts must be made with alcohol and make sure to offer non-alcoholic options to the young and the non-drinkers. Ensuring they are part of this ceremony is inclusive and when pouring the less expensive, non-alcoholic option, some drinkers might default to that too. But as with all food and drink, be clear about what you are offering.

Planning ahead can prevent a bar from breaking the bank. By doing some of the work yourself or asking others to bring a bottle, costs can be cut. And if you can keep to your budget and enjoy yourself, you are more likely to host again soon.



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