Prepping for Permission

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Consent is now an important conversation in our society. The Utah Bee is taking a deeper dive, plunging into the depths of research. We are always on the lookout for quality research and great resources so that we can help not only provide informationeducation, and additional resources for our readers, but prepare our minds (and bodies) to wrap our heads around this month’s focus on Sexuality & Permission.

One of the most important things to know in any relationship foundation and mortar is this: mutual respect matters, and that means ensuring you are respecting yourself, first and foremost. Give yourself permission to explore your sexuality, especially if you have been held or held yourself to models and standards that no longer serve you. Head down this journey with us as we explore the necessary world of Sexuality & Permission, because as Ms. Aretha Franklin belted out for generations to come, it’s about a little respect.

Recognize what it means to be sexually healthy
Educate yourself and learn your rights 
Seek permission of yourself to explore and embrace your sexuality 
Permit yourself to pause to appreciate your sexuality
Expect yourself and others to seek permission
Communicate your needs, wants, and desires in a healthy and respectful way
Trust your gut instinct


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