Sexual Health Misconceptions

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Fake News. Alternative Facts. Lies. Misinformation. Today’s over-connected world grants access to infinite information, easily made available with the touch of a button or click of a mouse. But a lot of mistruths, misinformation, and misunderstandings extend beyond the Internet. How many of us have had to clear up some misconception about the birds and the bees with our own offspring or know someone who has? How much of our sexual health knowledge is legitimately accurate?  Or relevant?

“It is a clear and unmet need for healthcare providers to answer young people honestly and kindly, to tell them about the risks of having sex before entering a lifetime relationship, and to dispel misconceptions that continue to linger about the acts of intercourse and contraception,” stated Gynecologist, Dr Liji Thomas. Dr. Thomas wants to ensure people have access to accurate information regarding their sexual health. 

As often as possible, use original sources and peer-reviewed resources. Whether religion, politics, or sex, veracity matters.


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